Successful Expungement Cases

Sampling of Successful Expungement Cases

by Benjamin Tarshish on May 30, 2024

Below is a sampling of just some of the positive results Attorney Kyle Kosieracki and the law firm Tarshish Cody, PLC were able to achieve for their clients.

State v. D.K.  Waseca and Freeborn Counties.  Statutory expungements of two Gross Misdemeanor Theft convictions, a Domestic Assault conviction, and Domestic Assault charges that had been resolved through a diversion program.  Although the petitioner had not been charged with any crimes for several years, expunging these four records—given the seriousness of the charges and the level of convictions—was a very favorable outcome.  Expungement allowed the petitioner to travel outside the country for work; his inability to do so because of these criminal records had significantly limited his earning capacity.

State v. C.H.  St. Louis County.  St. Louis County charged the petitioner with Fifth Degree Criminal Sexual Conduct.  St. Louis County ultimately dropped the charges against the petitioner, and Attorney Kosieracki brought a petition to expunge the records.  St. Louis County vigorously objected to the expungement, even though it had previously determined there was not enough evidence to prosecute the petitioner.  The prosecution attempted to introduce inadmissible evidence into the proceedings, and Mr. Kosieracki convinced the judge to exclude the County’s evidence. Despite the seriousness of the charges and over the state’s vigorous objection, Attorney Kosieracki secured an order expunging the records.  

State v. G.J.  Hennepin County.  Attorney Kosieracki secured statutory expungement of a Domestic Assault conviction even though the records were not impacting the petitioner’s ability to secure housing or a job.  This was a great result given the seriousness of the conviction and the minimal effect the records were having on the petitioner’s life. The petitioner is now free to travel the globe without worrying about being denied admission to other countries because of these records.

State v. M.S.  Goodhue County.  After advocating to the prosecution for petitioner’s cause, Attorney Kosieracki persuaded the prosecution to agree to a statutory expungement of a drug conviction.  Attorney Kosieracki was able to secure an expungement order from the court a mere 31 days after he was retained.  The petitioner was then able to pursue his dreams of teaching English in a foreign country.

State v. S.K.  Ramsey County.  Again, Attorney Kosieracki worked with the prosecutor to secure a statutory expungement of a petitioner’s misdemeanor conviction.  The petitioner had been denied housing based on these records. Attorney Kosieracki worked quickly to have the petitioner’s conviction sealed so that she could secure suitable housing for her family.

State v. R.D.  Dakota and Olmstead Counties.  The petitioner was having difficulty getting into a nursing program and was concerned about potential licensing issues due to her misdemeanor convictions for Theft and Issuance of a Dishonored Check.  Mr. Kosieracki worked with both prosecutorial offices to secure agreements to expunge the convictions.  In a matter of months, the petitioner’s records were sealed, and she was finally free to pursue her dreams unhindered by her criminal record.

Related Expungement Information:

Additional Sampling of Successful Expungement Cases

by Benjamin Tarshish on May 29, 2024

Below is an additonal sampling of just some of the positive results Attorney Kyle Kosieracki and the law firm Tarshish Cody, PLC were able to achieve for their clients.

State v. B.D.  Carver County.  Petitioner was charged with two gross misdemeanor assaults and convicted of two counts of Disorderly Conduct.  The records related to the convictions had cost the petitioner multiple job opportunities. Attorney Kosieracki’s memorandum of law and oral arguments convinced the court that the extraordinary relief of statutory expungement was appropriate, and B.D. was able to move forward with her life.

State v. L.H.  Winona County.  Statutory expungement of a conviction for 4th Degree Criminal Damage to Property.  After his offense, the petitioner graduated from college with his sights set on medical school.  Although he had never been denied a job or housing based on his conviction, he was concerned that the records might impact his ability to go to medical school.  Attorney Kosieracki worked with L.H. to craft a petition and memorandum of law that persuaded the court to grant a statutory expungement even though he had not yet experienced any adverse consequences due to those records.

State v. E.J.  Hennepin County.  Statutory expungement of a conviction for Gross Misdemeanor Burglary.  The records related to this offense were impacting petitioner’s ability to find a decent job.  Attorney Kosieracki’s carefully crafted arguments convinced the court that the records were of little benefit to society and it granted the petition, which was filed just days after the petitioner qualified under the statute.

State v. C.L.  Clay County.  Attorney Kosieracki persuaded the Clay County County’s Attorney Office to agree to a statutory expungement of an alcohol-related offense. The petitioner was seeking expungement because the records were preventing her from pursuing her dream of being a teacher in Asia.  Due to Attorney Kosieracki’s persistence, he was able to secure a court order for the expungement less than 45 days after he was retained.

State v. A.B.  Hennepin County.  Petitioner was convicted of Gross Misdemeanor Theft, and Attorney Kosieracki filed an expungement petition on her behalf.  Two days before the scheduled expungement hearing date, the prosecutor filed an objection to the petition. The prosecutor sought to admit several pieces of inadmissible evidence and repeatedly misrepresented various aspects of the case.  On short notice, Attorney Kosieracki responded to the objection in writing, pointing out the inadmissibility of the evidence and showing that the prosecution had been less than truthful in its objection. The expungement was granted over the prosecution’s objection.

If you want to find out if you are eligible for an expungement or have additional questions about expungement, please fill out the form below or contact the expungement attorneys at Tarshish Cody, PLC at 952-361-5556 for your free case evaluation.

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